The Great Outdoors

Health, Healthy Ageing

Its no secret that you feel better when you’re outside. Not only in mind but in spirit and physical fitness. Theres a reason we all love a holiday so much! Its not just getting away from work, from our desks or offices. But most of the time, on holiday you are primarily based outside, whether that be on a beach, a mountain, a city or any other terrain you choose to visit. I could write about the effects of being outdoors and vitamin D but every man and his dog has had this told to them. I thought I would instead focus on how to motivate yourself to get outside.

Why do we find it so hard to get ourselves outside? Well partly this has to do with climate and that which we are a resident in. For one I am currently working in Sydney, and write this post outside by the beach. But on those grey, dreary evenings or weekends it can be so difficult to motivate yourself to get outside and exercise even for a 30 minute walk. But remember that time you did get up, you did feel better and energised afterwards? Try and remember that feeling of even a small win for your mental wellbeing and physical fitness. It’s small steps towards the bigger picture. I personally find it really difficult to motivate myself to spend time outside after a busy day/week at work. I want to snuggle up inside and hide after a busy shift.

But just with a little bit of motivation and some sturdy wellingtons that muddy walk even down to the shops to get my overpriced almond milk can have miraculously advantageous benefits to my mental wellbeing, and most importantly my sleep.

In your weekly calendar or “to do list” how many of you timetable in some outdoors time? It’s just as important as that business meeting, as that shift at work. You have to give these activities equal importance as your work. The benefits of getting outside even for 15 minutes on your lunch break can be phenomenal, even having your morning tea or coffee outside. Try it this week and I can guarantee you will feel a sense of peace and improved mental wellbeing.

Motivate yourself to feel happier, healthier and in a clearer head space. This is some wellness and wellbeing advice that is FREE and actually works. I guarantee you.