The Science

Each of the ingredients used in our products is backed by clinical evidence.

Youth boosting formulations combining powerful ingredients to provide glowing skin, support energy levels and promote healthy cells and DNA

Formulated for a visible difference with lasting health benefits

We take the latest scientific studies and put them to work in nutritional supplements that have a positive impact on how you look and feel so that you can live your life to the fullest. 

It's you on a good day and most days are good days.

We only use 100% active ingredients so that you can be sure of optimum results.

Made to keep you and your body happy.

Collagen Shots has a unique amino acid profile which is formulated by Rejuvenated to increase the production of collagen naturally. These youth-boosting ingredients work together to smooth, plump and firm up the skin.

Learn more about collagen.

90% of orally ingested hydrolysed collagen was absorbed into the blood stream within 6 hours and remained available for a significant period of time after ingestion. Oesser et al. (1999)

Inner health creates outer beauty

Scientific formulas for beautiful skin, hydration, energy levels and a healthy weight management. Look and feel incredible now and support your body for the future.