The secret to staying hydrated this summer

Health, Body, Skin

Now that the prospect of glistening pools, pure white beaches and turquoise seas are creeping ever closer, it’s time to start thinking about our holidays and prepping for beach beauty.

Of course, for many of us, those last few days – weeks, even! – before a holiday will be filled with frantic stress. Firstly, there’s the matter of the suitcase that just won’t zip shut, and the tan which we simply can’t slip into our bikini without. And then there’s the manicure and pedicure and, of course, the last-minute hair treatments…

In between all this chaos, though, many us forget to think about how we can protect our skin, aside from the obvious SPFs and After Suns. Yet, holiday season is the ideal time to think about nourishing your skin from within, especially since it can counteract the dehydrating effects of sun, sea and sand.

Ideally, we should aim to boost our skin hydration a couple of weeks before jetting off. However, even last-ditch hydration boosts can make all the difference!

Here are our top tips for healthy, hydrated skin to take you through summer and beyond:

Enjoy Anti-Oxidant Rich Foods

One of the best summer holiday tricks is to start eating plenty of tan-optimising carotenoids. These are potent antioxidants and are famous for their glorious orange and salmon colourings, giving everything from petals their pretty shades to flamingos that vibrant, neon pink. When found in plants, these carotenoids can protect from the sun’s rays, and they can do much the same for us, too.

If you want to reap the rewards, then try adjusting your diet a little – all kinds of foods contain these anti-oxidants! We can naturally find carotenoids, such as lycopene, in tomatoes, while salmon contains plenty of omega-3 and carrots are full of beta carotene.

You can also try to add more Aliol to your diet. Aliol is a vegan source of omega 3 from marine algae, a potent source of phospholipids and essential DHA fatty acids.

Avoid Alcohol

Sadly, arriving to the resort at our most glamorous means skipping the G&Ts in the departure lounge. Alcohol is a diuretic, which means it steals moisture from the skin and fluids from the body, leaving you tired and potentially hungover as you arrive.

Instead of the cocktails, try a mocktail, sparkling water or, better yet, an electrolyte-boosting drink. Drinks such as coconut water are full of electrolytes, as is our H3O Hydration Drink.

We promise you’ll be grateful later on, too! Especially when you realise that hypotonic electrolytes balance cellular water levels and defeat swollen ankles. This will mean you can pull on those beautiful, new strappy sandals on arrival!

Hydration Boosters

As many of us know all too well, the combination of sun, sea and pools can cause havoc with our skin. However, dehydration doesn’t need to be an issue, especially if you’ve come prepared and packed some collagen and hydration boosters.

Our award-winning Collagen Shots now come in 14-day individual sachets, which allow you to slip them neatly into a corner of your case or handbag. Plus, they come with super-charged ingredients, such as the fountain of youth Hyaluronic Acid, to improve the skin’s tone and texture, and reduce the tell-tale signs of ageing.

Of course, while drinking water is always a good beauty booster, too much can trigger bloating (not ideal when we’re in our bikinis or summer dresses!) and frequent trips to the toilet. Plus, our skin is the last organ to benefit from water intake, so it can be difficult to get that fresher, dewier face through water alone.

The perfect solution is to try our H3O Hydration formula by day, which provides key minerals and ions key needed for optimum hydration and to enhance water absorption. This can be combined with the H3O Night Repair capsules in the evening to hydrate and provide antioxidants as you sleep.

Happy holidays!