Wine therapy to keep you young and gorgeous

All the studies say a glass of the red stuff a day is good for you, but can wine make you look young? At Rejuvenated, we’ve been tapping in to ‘wine therapy’ for over a decade and that isn’t just the stuff in green bottles. We have super antioxidants in all our products and we just had two that have caught our attention over this time that are from red grapes.
Our raw ingredients grape seed oil and resveratrol are high in antioxidants and polyphenols which have been linked to the renewal of cells and stimulating a more youthful skin along with so many other benefits.
H3O Hydration has the powerful antioxidant Trans-resveratrol, naturally found in grapes, various berries and plants to help protect them against environmental stresses. It is found naturally in red wine, hence the belief that red wine can actually have a positive effect on health. In our formula we use a very pure form of Trans-Resveratrol (98% extract) which is absorbed easily by the human body when compared to other forms of the ingredient. Resveratrol is believed to be a more potent antioxidant than Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Beta Carotene and studies have linked it to reduced heart disease.
H3O Night Repair contains grape seed extract. This is an ingredient that we have used personally for over 16 years. Grape seed extract it is an oligomeric proanthocyanidin (OPCs), a naturally occurring antioxidant many times more powerful than vitamin E and C and a great anti-inflammatory. I find when I take this product not only is my skin soft but my eyes are much brighter and more toned, also if I’ve been gardening this is my product of choice to soothe those aches and strains.
It seems then, wine can make you look younger. Try the added benefits of ‘wine therapy’ every day and discover the impact it can have on bringing out a more youthful look over time.