Why we’re going compostable for 2021


Great news for lovers of the planet ­­– our packaging is about to get eco-friendly!

When it comes to reducing waste and protecting the environment, plastic packaging has been the bane of the beauty industry for decades. But we’ve got some exciting news – our beloved bestselling Collagen Shots will now be available in compostable pouches, with more products to follow!

For us here at Rejuvenated, it’s been an incredible journey over the past decade – but we’re always striving to do more, for both our customers and the planet in general. We were conscious of the ever-pressing issues surrounding the environment and knew it was time to do more. While there are still a few hurdles to overcome when looking for environmentally friendly manufacturing methods, we’re doing all we can to help create a better world for ourselves and future generations. So, we decided, why not start with putting our best-selling beauty supplements in compostable packaging?

As its legions of fans are aware, Collagen Shots are renowned for their ability to transform your skin and leave it plumped and glowing – but we wanted them to be available in packaging that wouldn’t end up polluting the ocean or in a landfill. (A landfill is a purpose-built structure where rubbish is buried in such a way that it doesn’t come into contact with damp or air, so it doesn’t decompose much – unlike compost.)

So we’ve been working on these compostable pouches for over two years, as we wanted a real alternative to plastic packaging. What’s more, the plastic scoops will be phased out over a 3 month period. This will give you time to save scoops and in future you will have the option to purchase a metal one of the exact measure. You will also find that a table spoon is the exact measurement. Our goal is to be plastic free by the end of 2020, joining the growing amount of eco-friendly beauty brands – and hopefully where we lead, the rest of the industry should follow!

How the pouches work

To ensure our products get sent to you in perfect condition, we needed a durable plastic alternative to ensure our supercharged Collagen Shots are protected from oxygen and water vapour that can cause them to deplete. Plastic is normally the first choice for this (hence why so many manufacturers use it!). But our special new compostable packaging features a three-layer laminate with natural adhesives, which work in the same way as plastic – but can be used to nourish the soil afterwards!

Our pouches are compliable with the EU standards for compostability as well as Vinçotte OK Compost’s certification for home composting.  Once you’ve finished using them, rather than throw them in the bin, you can put them on the compost heap or compost bin and they will naturally decompose (sadly you’re not able to put them in your garden or food waste collection bins, but check to see if there are any other collections in your area).

Why is composting so important?

It’s no secret that the amount of plastic waste choking our planet and destroying eco-systems and wildlife is a serious problem. In 2016, the earth contained over seven billion people, producing over 320 million tonnes of plastic (this is estimated to double by 2034), while 8 million pieces of that plastic found their way into our oceans. Hence why movements like ‘zero waste skincare’ and ‘zero waste makeup’ are gathering momentum – and one of the ways to deal with cutting down excess waste packaging is by making it compostable.

Is compostable better than biodegradable?

The short answer is yes! You might think ‘compostable’ and ‘biodegradable’ mean the same thing – but in fact, they’re quite different. In a nutshell, everything compostable is biodegradable, but not everything biodegradable is compostable. A carrier bag might be biodegradable, but it can still be made from toxic materials – ‘biodegradable’ means these materials just break down more quickly, but they are still pollutants.

On the other hand, for something to be compostable, it has to be made up of organic matter (so nothing synthetic, like plastic or anything containing toxic chemicals). Once you put it on the compost heap, it gets broken down by microorganisms (plus friendly insects, worms and snails might help it along too!) that feed on decaying detritus and turn it into mineral and nutrient-rich soil or ‘humus’. This is ideal for helping crops, garden plants and trees to grow ­– making it much more valuable than ordinary soil. Compost also acts as a sponge, drawing and retaining water from the air and after a rainfall, so plants can stay hydrated without the need for extra watering, so there’s less water wastage in the bargain.

Can compostable packaging be recycled?

In theory, yes, but putting compostable packaging in a regular recycle bin with your other papers, as some compostable materials won’t get recycled. Composting is different to recycling and more energy-efficient as it requires fewer resources. If you think about it, recycling paper and other packaging involves recycle bins; lorries to take it to the recycling plant; various machinery; as well as chemical processing agents to get rid of all the ink. But when it comes to composting, you just put it your compost heap and let those helpful microbes and creepy-crawlies do the rest of the work!

Many councils are ahead of the game in this area and offer composting services and even if you live in an apartment you can take advantage of mini compost bins available from £15.00.

Can I just throw my compostable pouch in the bin?

The material we use will decompose in a landfill but will take longer than they do in a compost bin. Composting is much greener alternative, as it re-nourishes the soil so plants can grow and the planet as a whole can thrive.

What do I need to make compost?

A compost-friendly environment needs to be warm, fairly humid with plenty of oxygen. Recycle Now has an excellent beginners’ guide for people looking to set up a compost heap or composting bin in their home. Otherwise, contact your local council or community centre for advice on composting and collections.