What to do about cellulite

If you’re an avid watcher of Love Island then you might think having a firm rear and thighs is the norm but the reality is 90% of women and 10% of men have some cellulite. If you browse beauty focussed website or check out high street beauty departments you will find cellulite-busting creams and lotions.
The media focuses non-stop with messages about how our body should look.
Even the slimmest and most toned of us can have it and it doesn’t just affect the lower half, it can be stored in our stomach and upper arms. When it’s the DNA card that we are dealt with, why do we get so hung up over something that’s naturally a part of us.
What actually is cellulite?
Technically it’s a term used to describe the encrustation of fat cells by the body’s waste products. The effects of the calcified waste products building around the fat cells restricts metabolism, the metabolism is also restricted during hormone fluctuations as the cells swell and increase in water content.
This basically means the flow of nutrients and oxygen to the cell and waste from the cell is restricted. The cells weaken, connective tissue breaks down and the fat cells push through into the Dermis resulting in an orange peel effect on the Epidermis. Cellulite has been directly linked to a lack of hydration

Why don’t men get cellulite?
It does seem unfair that most men don’t actually get cellulite. A man’s skin is around 25% thicker than a woman’s and will age gradually, however once a woman starts to approach the menopause it will thin and lose elasticity more quickly.
This thinning increases with the lowering of hormone oestrogen in our body. Oestrogen is directly related to collagen levels and as oestrogen levels decline so does collagen. As men naturally have a higher density of collagen you’ll begin to see why they are not prone to dimpling of the skin.
There is an increased trend for men to show some cellulite which has been linked to excessive beer drinking. Hops in beer contain phytoestrogens which are compounds that naturally occur in plants. These phytoestrogens contribute to dimples and man boobs.
As a woman cellulite is in our natural make up and stimulated by hormones. We should embrace what is natural about our body and work to be strong and physically fit rather than worry about lumps and bumps.
How hormones affect cellulite
When your hormones are out of sync it can promote the onset of cellulite.
Low levels of collagen lead to the depletion of connective tissues including collagen and elastin fibres. Diminished levels of progesterone can also lead to increased cellulite.
Bringing harmony to your hormones can help to reduce cellulite.
Rejuvenated’s supplement, Female Hormone Support will help to re balance your hormones which in turn will contribute to the firming of skin.
Lifestyle causes of cellulite.
There are some factors which will contribute to increasing the loss of connective tissues and general firmness of the body.
Sitting at your desk all day.
Having a sedentary job isn’t great news for your thighs but you can take measures to prevent the build up. If it’s possible stand at your desk for some of the day or take small breaks to walk around the building. If there are steps at work always use them and don’t take the lift or escalator.
Unhealthy diet
Eating a diet of refined foods can cause the accumulation of toxins in skin tissue. Fill your plate with foods that are rich in antioxidants and health fats to support skin.
Eating processed cheese
Some cheeses contain high levels of salt which cause water retention and can make cellulite more visible.
When your body is dehydrated toxins can accumulate in fat cells making it difficult for the body to metabolise. Dehydration also causes thinner skin which is weaker and prone to showing cellulite. Drink plenty of fluids to allow the body to naturally detoxify.
Yo-yo dieting
The effect of constant weight changes can cause the skin to become loose, look uneven and more likely to develop cellulite.
Some alcohols as already mentioned can cause hormonal changes to determine how our body lays down fat. It also constricts blood vessels which prevents healthy circulation and reduces the formation of collagen, causing skin to lose its elasticity.
Habitual smoking also reduces blood vessel flow to have a further impact on the connective tissue and collagen production.
Don’t let your cellulite stop you doing things
Having cellulite isn’t about doom and gloom. In the real non air-brushed world it is something that the majority of us have and something that we should be proud to reveal. Don’t hide from having your photo taken, your body is amazing learn to love it as it is.
Work towards having a strong and healthy body and turn your focus towards leading a healthy lifestyle.
Improve muscle tone
Building up muscle in target areas such as the back of legs and upper arms will help to reduce the appearance of dimpling. As we age muscle mass decreases so adopting a work out with weights will help to future proof your strength as well as keeping your skin toned and firm.
Keep active
A sedentary lifestyle will reduce circulation and by staying active you are giving your body a weapon to reduce toxins.
Swimming above all other sport has enormous benefits to smooth out cellulite. Not only are we using our legs and arms to push us through the water, the water is denser than air so constantly applies a pressure to naturally massage the body.
Dry brushing your body
Brushing your body with a body brush every day will help to reduce toxins and improve circulation. It will also remove dead skin and make your body glow. Take 1 minute each day to start at the feet and work upwards towards the heart in sweeping movements.
Epsom salt and Himalayan salt baths
Combine your body brushing regime with a twice weekly mineral salt bath. The minerals in these salts help to reduce toxins and fluid retention.
Eat fresh and natural
Eating fresh healthy food with antioxidants and healthy omega 3’s will support your skin from the inside out. Register at our web page here to download our free e book, ‘7 days to super skin’. The book is full of recipes and tips to have glowing healthy skin in just a few days, this is for the whole body and not just the face.
Supplements to help to reduce cellulite
Lowering of collagen levels and poor hydration both play a part in the onset of reduced skin elasticity.
This is where Collagen Shots and H3O can help;
Together they strengthen connective tissue and hydrate cells so that they can function more efficiently and reduce damage.
Collagen Shots works from the inside out to boost collagen levels, providing the amino acids to stimulate fibroblasts.
Key proteins within the formulation enable cell walls to become stronger so that they can function more effectively and retain moisture.
Açai berry within Collagen Shots is a super food, packed with antioxidants and vitamins, one of its functions is to increase capillary wall strength, improving blood supply to the area.
H3O Hydration has vital electrolyte minerals to assist in passing nutrients across the cell wall and allowing toxins to leave so the cell can function more effectively and reduce stored toxins.
Both of these products are combined with hyaluronic acid, known as the fountain of youth, hyaluronic acid can hold up to 1000 times its own weight in water so the spaces between cells are well hydrated.