What is skin energy and how do you get it?

Cellular health, Skin Health, Skin

Have you noticed how some people’s skin just glows with energy? The term skin energy refers to the cellular life force that circulates through the skin. Skin charged with energy is radiant, supple, hydrated and healthy looking while dehydrated, dull and inflamed skin is lacking in energy.

How is skin energy created?

Our skin cells are powered by minute structures within the cell called mitochondria, they are the energy plant of the cell. Mitochondria produce ATP (adenosine triphosphate) an essential energy molecule which performs multiple cellular functions.

How do skin cells use energy?

When energised your skin cells power up fibroblast activity to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, release antioxidants to protect from free radicals and allow the absorption of nutrients to nourish the skin. Energised skin is hydrated and supple to the touch.

How to protect your skin energy

As we age our mitochondria lose the ability to create cellular energy, but we can take action to reactivate them.

Protect your skin from the sun

While some sun is good for our wellbeing and vitamin D3 production it’s important to protect our skin from too much exposure to UVA and UVB. When UV light is absorbed into the skin it causes chemical changes that affect the DNA and lead to a reduction in a molecule called, NAD a coenzyme which supplies energy to the mitochondria.

Check how long your sunscreen protects you for and if you spend time on electrical devices ensure that it includes protection from blue light too.

Eat the colours of the rainbow

Good nutrition with fresh fruit and vegetables will power up your skin cells for that positive glow. Nourish your microbiome as dull, inflamed skin can be an indication of an imbalance of bacteria within the digestive system. The gut is responsible for absorbing nutrients from the food that we eat. Include foods that contain pro biotics such as sauerkraut, kimchi, sourdough bread and kombucha.

Hydration for cellular energy

Cellular hydration is an important factor in skin energy. Healthy hydrated cells help to protect from ageing and allow the release of ATP for increased energy.

Sleep your way to energised skin

Sleep is essential for cellular renewal. While we are peacefully sleeping our body goes to work to repair the damage that we create throughout the day. Try to get at least 7-8 hours every night to allow time for your body to create new healthy cells.

Reduce stress

When we are stressed, we release large amounts of cortisol a hormone. Cortisol increases pro inflammatory molecules which break down collagen and elastin and speeds up the ageing process.

Supplements for skin energy

Skin is often the last organ to benefit from good nutrition. This is where the Rejuvenated supplements come into their own. Our entire 'skin, hair and nails' range has been formulated to support cellular energy. Here are just a few recommends to keep your skin energised and glowing.

Regenerate boosts NAD+ levels to support mitochondrial and cellular energy levels.

Collagen Shots supplies essential amino acid proteins to increase collagen levels and improve elasticity and suppleness.

H3O Hydration increases cellular hydration to stimulate ATP energy and promotes skin radiance.

H3O Night Repair provides cellular hydration and repairs skin cells while you sleep.

Skin Perfecting Complex and Immune Complex contain pre and probiotics to support gut health. 

Could skin energy be a health indicator

In fact, as you’ve read this article you have been emitting light. Chemical reactions within the body cause the emission of light photons which can only be detected on specialised cameras as the light is 1,000 times less than the human eye can see.

This ‘bioluminescence’ follows a 24-hour cycle and is strongest in the late afternoon and lowest during the night. It is thought that the cycle follows our circadian rhythms.

Although the science behind the process is in its infancy it is thought that changes in the daily cycle could indicate the onset of illness. More studies need to be carried out to determine if this is a practical method of diagnosis.

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