Immunity Boosting Foods and Tips

This winter has become a blur of coughs, colds and virus' as one fades another infection is around the corner. Now is the time to boost immunity to protect yourself as much as possible
Here are some practical steps and certain lifestyle changes that you can take to support your immunity and play a part in stacking the odds in your favour to prevent the spread of the virus.
Now more than ever you should eat a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes, poultry and fish.
Protein is essential to provide support for the immune system. The immune system is made up from proteins and relies on the supply of proteins on a regular basis to function effectively. Collagen is actually a protein so by taking your Collagen Shots you will be supporting your immune system and both Collagen Shots and Protein Smoothie can help to give you healthy lean sources of protein when you don’t always have access to fresh foods.
Green leaf vegetables and brassicas are the most nutrient-dense foods and should be consumed in large amounts. They are rich in antioxidants including phytochemicals. Some leafy greens including kale, Swiss chard, bok choy and other vegetables such as broccoli and Brussel sprouts are part of the cruciferous family. Cruciferous vegetables contain glucosinolates which when eaten are broken down into metabolites. Metabolites are naturally occurring substances that help to protect the cells.
The cell membranes within the leaves contain a powerful enzyme which is released while chewing and mixes with compounds inside the cell to create a reaction to form with health boosting properties.
This process is reduced during cooking, so it is beneficial to chop, blend or puree the vegetables when raw to maximum potency.
Green tea: For centuries, people have sworn by green tea as an ancient remedy to treat all kinds of ailments. It is a potent antioxidant and contains flavonoids that are believed to help block the production of enzymes which spread virus’ in the body.
Alcohol: Our body treats alcohol as a poison to be removed. While the body is focussing on eliminating alcohol it can’t deal as effectively with keeping you well.
Increase Vitamin C in your diet. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant which increases your body’s ability to fight infections and help to speed up recovery. A small study has been conducted in China which shows some success in treating the coronavirus. Eat fresh fruit and vegetables including citrus, peppers, green vegetables and berries to ensure that your diet is rich in Vitamin C. Boosting your vitamin C in winter is especially important.
Vitamin D helps to regulate a healthy immune system, while zinc helps to keep it strong.
Beets: think seasonal foods, beets are in season at the moment and at their most nutrient rich with Vitamin C, folate, manganese and phytochemicals to boost immunity.
Quercetin is a naturally occurring flavonoid found on certain foods, red onions are a particularly good source. These flavonoids help our cells to fight infection.
Reduce sugars: bacteria loves sugar so eliminate them as much as possible from your diet. Add spices such as cinnamon to help to lower blood sugar levels circulating in your blood.
Stay hydrated: Not getting enough bodily fluids can affect the body’s ability to fight infections. If you do become dehydrated adding electrolytes to your water can help to quickly replenish fluid levels.
Keep exercising. To be immunologically fit you need to be physically fit. This is particularly important to promote healthy circulation and keep white blood cells active to help you to fight any illnesses.
Sleep: Prioritising sleep is as every bit as important as the food that you eat and staying fit. A poor sleep pattern leaves us more susceptible to infection and inflammation. Avoid using electrical gadgets at least an hour before you retire. Have a consistent bedtime, it’s believed that being in bed by 10.00pm has added health benefits for the body to repair and recover. If you find it difficult to drift off, try 10 minutes medication or a warm bath to help you to relax.
Prime your immune system by taking Immune Complex daily.