Explore Top Female Hormone Balance Supplements

When you experience hormonal imbalance, chances are you aren’t just experiencing one symptom, As Rejuvenated founder Kathryn Danzey explains, “Trouble sleeping, low sex drive, headaches, and bloating are common symptoms of a hormonal imbalance…”

While a proper diet, regular exercise, and quality sleep are essential, taking supplements for hormone imbalance can also help rebalance your hormones. Our Female Hormone Support supplement is specifically formulated to balance female hormones and alleviate symptoms of perimenopause and menopause. This plant-based formula includes bioactive nutrients, antioxidants, and specialised herbs for optimal hormonal health. 

Some of the Key ingredients our women’s hormone supplements include: 

·       Schisandra berry: Reduces stress

·       Reishi mushrooms: Balances hormones

·       Alfalfa: Alleviates water retention and balances blood sugar

·       Hops: Eases sleep disturbances and vaginal dryness

·       Suma: Gets oestrogen and progesterone back on track

·       B vitamins: Supports mood and metabolism

·       Selenium: Boosts thyroid function

For added support, try H30 Night Repair to encourage relaxation and promote sleep, or Regenerate to boost cellular energy and reduce tiredness.  

Understand your symptoms, make small lifestyle changes, and shop our women's hormone supplements today to enhance your quality of life. Looking for more information? Discover the ultimate guide on how to balance hormones on our blog