Our personal tips for World Health Day


When our lovely Lauren challenged us to reveal our personal top health tips it made us realise how much we value our health as a team. We each have our own different personal health concerns that we address with healthy lifestyles.

World Health Day is an annual reminder of how important it is to look after yourself and we like to use it as an excuse to make some simple changes to our lifestyle to improve general health and wellbeing.

Here’s what works for us, we’d love to hear your tips too.

Every day, I get moving! If I’m feeling tired or achy, I’ll stick with an energising Yoga sequence, a long walk or Pilates. If I’m full of beans, it might be some boxing, kickboxing, weight training or HIIT.

Cut down on caffeine – I promise your body will thank you for it! I gave up coffee a few months back (it added to my stress levels) and feel so much better for it. I even feel more energised!

5 minutes meditation or quiet time helps to combat stress and anxiety. Recent studies have shown that it can help with stress-related elevated blood pressure.

Take turmeric daily, its a wonder anti-inflammatory and can help to protect against joint pains and even cancer.

Stay hydrated, cells that are truly hydrated are less susceptible to disease.

Try to drink a green protein smoothie every day – all veggies, if I’m feeling brave! I like to add in plenty of spinach and avocado, as well as some courgette and cauliflower, my favourite banana protein smoothie, chia or flax and some super greens. I feel so energised when I drink one of these every day – and my skin glows!

Add a teaspoon of raw cider vinegar, lemon and honey to hot water and consume first thing in the morning. Cider vinegar is reported to have a number of benefits for your health including lowering cholesterol, improving digestion, weight loss and boosting the immune system.Add Epsom salts to bath water. They have countless health benefits and are amazing at detoxifying the skin. Enriched with magnesium sulphates, these salts absorb quickly into your bloodstream to help eliminate toxins.

The government recommends walking 10,000 steps a day. Forgetting your pedometer is no longer a valid excuse now that watches and iPhones can now monitor your steps each day to ensure you’re getting your daily allowance.

Omega 3 has a number of benefits for the mind and body. I have started to take Aliol on a daily basis to really reap the benefits of this powerful ingredient.

Try and make sure that your everyday products are as natural and free of any nasties as possible. We love Dr Bronners Liquid Soaps as you can use them on your body, but you can also water them down and use them to wash dishes and as a general cleaner for around the house. Good for your skin and economical!