5 science-backed blogs packed with everything you need to know about longevity

Discover our most read blogs on longevity and cellular health.
Is it possible to keep cells young?
As our bodies age we start to slow down, and energy levels decrease. One reason for this is the decline of NAD+ (Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) a powerful molecule in every cell. It is vital for metabolic processes including cellular energy. Previously the only way to increase NAD+ levels has been through following a very strict regime of a restrictive low-calorie diet and intense exercise.
Discover how supplementation can turn up levels of NAD+
What are sirtuins and how are they activated to boost cellular health?
Sirtuins are a family of 7 proteins that help to regulate the health of our cells. They are a group of enzymes that work to speed up certain chemical reactions in our body. Sirtuins are really quite miraculous in the work they perform to manage the many processes in our cells that are involved in ageing and the diseases associated with the ageing processes.
Read on to find out how sirtuins are activated.
What is autophagy and how do you trigger it?
Autophagy is the body’s natural process of cellular renewal and maintenance. It plays a crucial role in health and longevity by removing damaged or dysfunctional cellular components and recycling them to generate energy or build new cellular structures. This “clean-up” mechanism helps maintain cellular integrity, combat oxidative stress, and reduce inflammation, which are key contributors to aging and chronic diseases.
Discover how to trigger autophagy
What are telomeres and how are they responsible for cell health?
Telomeres are protective caps located at the ends of our chromosomes, acting like the plastic tips of shoelaces to prevent genetic material from fraying or deteriorating. These structures play a vital role in cellular ageing, as they help maintain the integrity of our DNA during cell division. Each time a cell divides, telomeres naturally shorten, eventually reaching a critical length that signals the cell to stop dividing or enter a state of senescence (aging) or apoptosis (cell death).
How you can extend your telomeres
How Cellular Calm Complex prevents the ageing effects of stress
Chronic stress leads to increased levels of the stress hormones, which can trigger a multitude of biological responses in the body to accelerate the ageing processes at a cellular level. In fact, ongoing stress can lead to shorter telomeres which are a marker of biological ageing.
Read how Cellular Calm Complex can help to protect your cells from ageing.