20 things you need to know about collagen protein

Collagen, Science

Collagen is the most abundant protein in our body. It is the key building block for everything from the connective tissue in our vital organs to giving structure to our hair, skin, nails, bones, muscles, ligaments and tendons.

What exactly is collagen and what are the benefits of collagen supplements and collagen protein powder?

1. How much collagen protein is in the skin?

Collagen actually makes up 75% of our skin and 30% of our total body protein, so it’s easy to see why collagen plays such an important part in the health of our skin. The name collagen comes from the Greek word ‘kolla’ which means glue as collagen is the key to holding our body together.

The dermis layer of skin contains more than 70% of collagen.

2. How is collagen formed?

As a protein collagen contains amino acid peptides. These amino acids are formed in a triple-helix of three tightly-wound chains. The chains are predominantly made up of the amino acids, glycine, proline and hydroxyproline. Hydroxyproline is of great importance, it helps to prevent the break down of the triple-helix structure.

3. Collagen plays a part in the healing of wounds

Collagen helps to balance the level of fibroblasts in the body which in turn synthesise the extracellular matrix and collagen. Fibroblasts are the main connective tissue cells present in the body and they play a vital role in wound repair.

4. Why should a collagen supplement be hydrolysed?

Not all proteins are equal, eating steak and fish every day will not have much impact on collagen levels. The average protein molecule in food is approximately 300,000 Da which requires a significant amount to break down via digestion before it is available to the body. However, hydrolysed collagen protein powder as used in Rejuvenated Collagen Shots has been formulated to have a specific low molecular weight of 2000 daltons.

5. Collagen levels start to reduces at the very early age of 25

It’s a fact that once we hit the age of 25, our collagen levels start to diminish by up to 1.5% a year. The reduction in collagen production also affects the production of fibroblasts. Fibroblasts lose their ability to repair damaged structures which accelerates the loss of collagen further including the break down of the collagen matrix.

6. How much collagen should you have per day?

We recommend drinking 10000mg (10g) of collagen per day. That would be just one collagen shot daily. Consuming this dosage of collagen would be impractical in capsule form.

7. There are 28 types of collagen

There are many types of collagen but 80-90% of the collagen in our body come from types I, II and III and those in the skin are predominantly Type I and III. The collagen in our dermis is 80% Type I.

Type II is a major component of joint cartilage.

8. Vitamin C is the key to collagen absorption

Hydroxyproline is created by an enzyme (prolyl hydroxylase) interacting with the amino acid proline. However, vitamin C is required for this interaction and a deficiency of vitamin C can result in impaired hydroxyproline formation. If you are taking the best collagen powder check to make sure that it has a good supply of vitamin C too.

9. Collagen levels determine the elasticity of the skin

Collagen peptides stimulate fibroblasts which in turn produce the extracellular matrix structural proteins including fibrous collagen and elastin. Elastin gives skin its flexibility, the ability to stretch and return to shape. Over time the elastin in our skin reduces.

10. Effect of the menopause on collagen

Oestrogen is vital for healthy collagen levels so it’s a fact that once we start to go through the menopause we will start to see wrinkling and a thickening of the skin.

11. Women have a lower collagen density of collagen than men

Most women look after their skin with more care than men, yet men typically age more slowly. The reason for this is that men at any age have more collagen in their skin than women.

12. Sugar and sucralose damages collagen

Sugar isn’t just bad for your waistline it’s damaging to all organs of the body. And it’s not just the white stuff but sugar in all forms will age your skin (corn syrup, sucralose, high fructose, corn syrup, etc.).

Sugar suppresses the activity of white blood cells making us more susceptible to disease and infections. It also causes a process known as glycation.

The sugar molecules attach themselves to collagen fibres causing them to become brittle and less elastic. The result is hardening and thickening of the skin leading to lines and wrinkles.

13. Will a collagen face cream give the same benefits as a collagen drink?

Collagen shots provide a high dose of 10,000mg hydrolysed marine collagen protein powder in a drink. It would be impossible to deliver the same amount of collagen through a skin cream.

The collagen molecule is too large to penetrate into the dermis. Skin is a multi-layer protection system for the body with the thick stratum corneum being the outer layer. As fibroblasts are located in the dermis a cream would need to have a very low molecular weight, less than 500 Daltons to reach the target area. As mentioned previously, even hydrolysed collagen has an approximate molecular weight of 2000 Daltons.  It is highly unlikely that a collagen skin cream would be able to reach the fibroblasts.

Also, collagen pills only hold a small amount per serving so we would recommend the best collagen powder supplement.

14. Autoimmune disorders

Some autoimmune disorders produce antibodies which target collagen production. If you have any concerns always consult your doctor.

15. Collagen protein increases Metabolism

As collagen is a protein it actually helps the body to metabolise fat more effectively and to create lean body mass.

16. Can your lifestyle have an impact on collagen productions?

Regardless of age, certain lifestyle changes can help to protect collagen production but the younger you start to protect your skin the better.

  • Always use a good sunscreen. UVA rays are around all year, not just in summer and they can disrupt collagen production.
  • Don’t smoke as smoking increases the risk of wrinkles 5 fold and the toxins produce collagen-destroying enzymes.
  • Practise meditation or mindfulness to de-stress and surround yourself with positive people.
  • Daily exercise helps to boost collagen production, whether you’re out sweating or doing a relaxing yoga session you’ll see the benefits.

17. Can taking collagen help to boost collagen levels in the skin?

Yes, significant studies have shown that orally ingested collagen can increase collagen synthesis and improve collagen levels. Results have shown:

  • Reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, including crows feet.
  • Make the skin appear younger and fresher
  • Increases skin firmness
  • Improves the elasticity of the skin
  • Reduces dryness
  • Increases skin smoothness.

Collagen Shots is a multi-award winning beauty drink with youth-boosting properties for the skin and whole body. It contains 10000mg hydrolysed marine collagen powder with added acai berry, vitamin C, hyaluronic acid, copper and zinc.

Collagen Shots comes in 3 versions, a 30 serving pouch, 24 individual sachets and now in a compostable bag within a beautiful storage tin.

Here’s what our customers have to say:

‘I have noticed an improvement in my skin since using the product for about 3 months. My optometrist even mentioned that I looked prettier since she had seen me last. I told her it was because of the Collagen Shots.’

‘When you find something amazing, you stick with it. And your products are simply that- amazing.’

‘I love everything and have felt my skin is better now than when I was younger! I’m a customer for life.’

18. How collagen supports healthy hair

Collagen is packed full of amino acid proteins which are key in healthy glowing hair. It’s particularly rich in proline, which is crucial in the production of keratin, the most important protein in hair. Collagen has an important role in keeping our hair follicles healthy to support new hair growth and you will probably notice how quickly your hair starts to grow once you start taking your daily Collagen Shots.

 19. Fascia is your body’s secret weapon

Fascia is a fibrous network of collagen which sheathes our organs, wraps around our spine and arteries and encases our muscles and ligaments. In fact, without fascia to hold together our organs, muscles, bones and joints.

20. How collagen can improve your brain health

Collagen has been associated with improving our cognitive function. One third of our brain is composed of the amino acid protein, proline. This amino acid is abundant in collagen and is important in supporting our cognitive health.

As we mentioned in the previous point, fascia is important for our whole body and that includes the brain. The collagen fibres of fascia thinly coat the nerves in the body and virtually attaches the brain and spine to the rest of the body.

Collagen is a versatile ingredient and is being utilised to great advantage in the world of medicine. Doctors have been able to use it to inject into the brain to help to protect declining neurons in patients with Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s diseases. Collagen can also be injected into areas of the brain to provide support where a patient has suffered an injury through impact.

Try Collagen Shots for yourself or find more information at our shop.